Over the years wedding celebrations have changed drastically, they are no longer the boring long celebrations but with the changing time they have become quite trendy with the present millennial generation.
Now weddings are more or less a celebration of coolness and all about style, so what more cool and sophisticated than high-tech gadgets that not only look stunning but also give around a different and more happening vibe to all the guests attending as well as to you and your partner on this special day of your life.
To begin with here is a list of ten fresh, cool new gadgets which are not only great but also budget-friendly to star up your wedding and make it the most memorable of all times.
Best Cool Wedding Gadgets that are helpful for the Wedding Celebration
Drone Cameras
When it comes to weddings, a good camera cannot be missed, technology has drastically come to the forefront, GoPro is a must at all special events to capture and treasure all the moments of our lives.
GoPro is something through which one can shoot anything and everything at every angle possible. It is very easy to use and lightweight which can be easily worn by people even can be efficiently carried on a selfie-stick and can also be carried on the wedding dance floor or even flown above showing an Ariel view of the entire wedding celebration party through a revolving drone.
Drone stands out at the top on the list of ten gadgets for the wedding. Therefore drones are considered to be a great multi-tasking gadget and a must used gadget on every wedding as it captures in an intimate way the whole grand celebration without the pile-up of big bulky cameras around the guests.
LED wedding dress
It’s every girl’s dream to look the most beautiful woman on her special day. To make this day even more special and dream-like surreal, wearing a dress that lights up makes you feel like the most gorgeous girl and to feel over the moon is to wear a dress with LED’s.
There are many designers who create theme-based wedding dresses to create a memory of a lifetime with their masterpiece designs such as the LED wedding dress that would make every guest head turn and also your groom floored. These dresses are absolutely safe as they are made up of using fiber optic cables.
Projector Ring
Projector ring is yet another tech fancy gadget that stands out amongst the ten gadgets for weddings. It is a great tech jeweler that works, as the light shines through a ring and it projects some of the happy images of the new happy couple, treasured wedding snaps and lots more. It works on the principle of the very first sound recording machine which also can be used to record special messages such as proposals, romantic songs and much more.
Memory Sticks
Memory sticks are a great way to give all your guests a token of memory of the couple’s special day which they can remember forever.
The use of this smart gadget is very simple, all you have do is to upload certain videos, photos into this multi-faceted customized USB memory stick. This can also be made in different materials of your choice be it leather, wood, etc and all other designs of your choice.
Memory stick makes a cool wedding gadget to keep alive the memory of your wedding for all your guests to cherish.
Smart Projector
Technology has really taken us leaps and bounds with this handy and smart gadget which allows you to watch your wedding footage recording on your very own Smartphone, as simple as that sounds.
A smart projector is a great tech fancy gadget that brings back your wedding memory at any time of the day, or perhaps the year with simply at a touch.
Bride-Cam sounds cool, isn’t it? How special would it be as you walk down the aisle and it all gets captured, all your emotions as a new bride moving from one life to another which is yours forever! Therefore the best treatment to every girl would be a bride-cam.
Capturing it all on camera which is invisible practically as it is small yet very effective because it fits easily on to the bouquet and records right from your entrance to holding hands with the groom and even more.
Therefore this gadget is a great way to capture all the moments up close and also makes it very personal as well.
Selfie stick and charging stations
Mobile phone charging stations never go out of fashion, as they should be a must at every party or celebration.
It is super-easy to place one, simply by gathering a bunch of different types of cords used for various phones of all types be it iPhones or Androids.
It can be made ultra-modern by placing these stations at the cocktail table at your reception for instance.
Getting selfie sticks in the bunch is also a great way to get all your friends and family gets clicked at a go, instead of waiting for others to finish. This not only makes it easy but also captures all the fun elements that the guests are part of your wedding.
Periscoping the Wedding
It is nothing but live-streaming the event. A trendy way to bring all those who missed your wedding is a part of your grand celebration. It is one of the easiest ways, as it can be done on your very own mobile phone or tablet.
A great way, for all your friends and followers who were not able to make it to the wedding, can easily see everything from their own devices.
Light projection on wedding cake
Sounds cool right! It looks even cooler. A simple yet something out of the box and not to forget a visual treat.
Instead of spending much on making a beautiful cake with designs, all you can do is go for a basic looking cake and add on to it some animated light projection that takes it to another level stunning everyone. You can also project pictures making it romantic and intimate as well.
Virtual reality
One of the best amongst all the top ten gadgets for weddings is the use of virtual reality.
Let’s stand out a bit, hiring videographers and photographers which the world does, why not use virtual reality instead.
Sounds different, but complicated? No, it’s not, it’s upcoming of age technology all you have to do is hire a virtual reality videographer who can come over and film your entire wedding and hand out videos with highlights of your weddings in a much fancy way than to actually watch the entire ceremony at a go.
It can be said that weddings can never be out of fashion if they are well-thought and planned smartly. Today’s time nothing is impossible to achieve all we have to do is get a bit evolved with today’s tech world and find what matches the best to make your wedding a memorable one